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Sparks Team
27 March 2020

Globalworth Real Est (GWI); normalised EBITDA increases 52.4%

Globalworth Real Estate Investments announced its results for the year ended 31 December 2019. Revenue and net operating income increased 15.3% to €222.2m and 10.7% to €147.7m, respectively, mainly due to the successful leasing activity in 2019 and the addition of eight new office properties in Poland. Dividends declared and paid for the year stood at 60c per share.

Sparks Team
27 March 2020

Kcell JSC (KCEL); announces an additional agreement with Halyk Bank

Kcell Joint Stock Company announced that its board of directors has decided to sign an addendum to the current agreement on the urgent line of credit dated 24 September 2013. The agreement was signed between Kcell and Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Non-Standard Finance (NSF); provides COVID-19 update

Non-Standard Finance announced that each of the group’s three divisions are trading in an unprecedented business environment. The full impact of COVID-19 on the group’s future financial performance is expected to be heavily influenced by several factors including the severity and duration of the pandemic as well as the way in which both the government and consumers respond.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Renewi (RWI); announces trading and COVID-19 update

Renewi remains confident that Renewi will deliver full-year results in line with its expectations.
Renewi announced its trading update for the year ending 31 March 2020 and current view of the COVID-19 situation. The commercial division traded broadly as expected with other divisions in line or ahead of expectations.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Boku (BOKU); revenue up 42% to $50.1m

Boku in its audited results published today for the year ended 31 December 2019, reported revenue of $50.1m while adjusted EBITDA grew 17% at $7.4m. Net Profit after Tax stood at $0.4m for the period.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Ocean Wilsons Holdings (OCN); provides dividend & COVID-19 update

Ocean Wilsons Holdings notes the announcement made by its principal operating subsidiary, Wilson Sons, to the Brazilian and Luxembourg Stock Exchanges on 25 March 2020. The board of Wilson Sons announced the withdrawal of its proposal for $0.54 per issued share to be made available to be distributed to its shareholders.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Impact Healthcare REIT (IHR); posts trading and business updates

Impact Healthcare REIT had intended to announce its audited annual results for the year ended 31 December 2019 today. In light of the guidance issued on 21 March 2020 by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and on 23 March 2020 by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), it will defer the publication of its annual results until 8 April 2020.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Polypipe Group (PLP); announces COVID-19 update

Polypipe Group announced that trading for the year to date was in line with expectations, with no material impact on performance from the COVID-19 pandemic so far. However, the company’s decision to wind down operations, and the inevitable but as yet unquantifiable wider impact of COVID-19 on the end markets in the next weeks and months means it is no longer possible to provide financial guidance for the year ending 31 December 2020 and beyond.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Nanoco Group (NANO); provides update on its licence agreement

Nanoco Group provided an update on its licence agreement with Merck GmbH. Merck indicated its intention to negotiate a new supply and licencing agreement to replace the existing one, which was signed on 29 July 2016.

Sparks Team
26 March 2020

Mercia Asset Management (MERC); announces COVID-19 update

Mercia Asset Management announced its business update in light of COVID-19. The company has a strong balance sheet with £30.4m unrestricted cash as of 20 March 2020. It has no bank or other indebtedness and c. £190m of available fund capital from long-term investors to selectively support portfolio companies and provide financial stability.