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Elaine Reynolds
29 October 2015 · 4 min read

Falklands exploration: Humpback results finally in

The long anticipated results from Humpback, the only well to be drilled in the South Falkland Basin in the current Falklands drilling campaign, have been disappointing, with the well encountering non-commercial quantities of oil and gas.

Elaine Reynolds
28 October 2015 · 5 min read

Is the Serica deal a sign of improved North Sea co-operation?

A recent transfer of equity in a Central North Sea block may herald the beginnings of a new period of cooperation in the UK North Sea that would encourage undeveloped assets to be brought onstream. Serica Energy (WI 50%), together with partners Endeavour (25%) and EOG (25%), looks set to pick up 100% of the Columbus field, mainly located in Block 23/16f. Columbus extends to the south into the 23/21a block, where partners BG and SSE have agreed to transfer their equity in the part of the block covering Columbus for a nominal sum.

20 October 2015 · 3 min read

Genel trading statement

The headline from Genel’s trading statement this morning is perhaps the downward revision of the 2015 production guidance from 90-100mbopd to 85-90mbopd and revenue guidance narrowing at the bottom of the range (was $350-400m, now $350-375m) assuming $50/bbl crude.

16 October 2015 · 8 min read

Is there a link between the oil prices and deals?

Analysis indicates that there is a linkage between the prevailing oil price and industry deals, but this is unsurprisingly not linear and differs between types of deals.

15 October 2015

Kurdistan payments ~ two payments in two months

Today’s announcement that Gulf Keystone has been paid for the second month running is good news for all concerned. Gulf Keystone gets much needed revenues, and a second payment starts to give Kurdistan companies (and investors) a taste that these payments could be the start of regular, reliable cashflows. We note Genel and DNO have yet to announce payments themselves, though we would be surprised to not see these in the near future.

Elaine Reynolds
15 September 2015

Plexus Holdings taps subsea market

The launch of Plexus Holdings’ Python Subsea Wellhead at Offshore Europe 2015 is a major step for the company, allowing it to access a previously untapped market with its innovative POS-GRIP technology.