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26 September 2016

Snap (chat) – Spectacular experiment

Snap’s new product is a mere toe in the water

-  Snapchat (now rebranded Snap) has launched spectacles that work in a similar way to Google Glass but try to deal with the many shortcomings of their predecessor.

Dan Ridsdale
20 July 2016

In dancing with Softbank, ARM may start stepping on more toes

In dancing with Softbank, ARM may start stepping on more toes.

One of the key factors behind ARM’s rise is that it has carefully avoided stepping on its customers toes. To the frustration of certain shareholders, it kept royalty rates affordably low – a low single digit percent of the chip price – despite its dominant position. And while the company has progressively expanded its portfolio of designs, it has done so in a measured fashion, carefully selecting domains which do not compete with those of its key customers. Its acquisitions have for the most part been small and focused – Falanx for graphics processing and more recently the likes of Sansa Security and Offspark for IOT security.